The Real Reasons

Why Does Donald Trump Want To Slow the Pace of COVID Testing Down

Donald J Tump at a Rally in Tulsa OK.

“When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases,”

“So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please.’ They test and they test.”



Submitted by mo2 on Sat, 08/29/2020 - 18:45


President Donald Trump said at the rally in Tulsa that he asked his administration to slow down coronavirus testing in order to not have as many positive tests show up.

He thinks the better statistics would make HIS economy look better therefore making it easier to get re-elected.

Among other things not having an accurate count of the infections makes the number of deaths statistic which is counted precisely look larger in comparison. For instance the US with 6 million reported cases the 182,000 deaths would be in 3% if cases. If the actual number of cases were counted the death rate might be less than 1%.

Make it seem more logical to return to normal for bussinesses and schools by re-opening before they should so the economy appears to be more functional.

Submitted by mo2 on Sat, 08/29/2020 - 18:54


Maybe Trump or an associate or friend owns stock in the major labs who are doing testing at $100 each and making a ton of money.

And as new portable testing units come along it will cut into that cash flow.

Tests like Abbot Labs BinaxNOW a five dollar test on a card that does not need a lab machine to get the results which are displayed on the card like a pregnancy test will also reduce the testing by the big labs.

Why does'nt Donald Trump want us to vote by mail

He is very upset that some states send ballots to all Registered Voters. Unable to suppress who can vote He claims that the ballots will be tampered with. Even though signatures are required and checked.

Trump admits he's refusing to fund the US Postal Service to sabotage mail-in voting` If they don`t get those two items that means you can`t have universal mail-in voting,` Trump said of a grant and funding increase for the USPS.


Submitted by mo2 on Sat, 08/29/2020 - 19:12


Trump claims that police officers will be present at polling places which could cause some voters to stay home thereby suppressing the vote using fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Mail in voters cannot be suppressed in this way,

Submitted by mo2 on Sat, 08/29/2020 - 19:22


If the voting machines or software used to tabulate the totals is compromised they could be programmed to mis count or calculate totals.

There must be auditing and testing procedures used by voting officials to test their voting and tabulation systems. Hacking Democracy is a 2006 Emmy nominated documentary film. The film investigates the flawed integrity of electronic voting machines, particularly those made by Diebold Election Systems, exposing previously unknown backdoors in the Diebold trade secret computer software.

Submitted by mo2 on Sat, 08/29/2020 - 19:36


Being non electronic paper ballots are not available on any computer network or internet so the ballots are inherently safe from hacking thru the internet. Proof that they are not hackable.

Electronic voting ballots could certainly be kept off-line to enjoy a similar safety to paper. It would be up to the implementors to enforce that and auditors to check compliance. But being electronic there is always a possibility that EVERYONE does not know what is really happening.